Describe the principles and stages of all aspects of children's growth and development from 1-8 years. Including physical aspects of growth and development from head to toe.

Essay by libzxHigh School, 12th gradeA+, June 2007

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There are five key areas of child development. They are so closely linked that a difficulty in one area tends to affect the others. For example, a child who has difficulty in communicating may find it difficult to socialise with other children. The five key areas are social development, cognitive development, emotional development, language development and physical development.

Social and Emotional Development1-3 yearsDuring this time, children learn more social skills. They are able to play with their primary carers and are comfortable with other familiar adults. They start to explore their environment but need the reassurance that their primary carer is nearby. Children often start to notice other children and become able to play alongside them. They are also very dependent on their primary carer. They will protest and cry if their primary carer leaves them and it is important that they are left with someone who is familiar to them.

Though they are still dependent, they also start to realise, at this age, that they are individuals, and can recognise and begin to use their own names from 1 year old.

At 15 months they begin to explore their environment if a familiar adult is close by and can begin to use words to communicate effectively with them. They will also gain a stronger feeling of being an individual.

At 18 months their language increases and they are able to point to objects to show familiar adults and explore the environment in more depth. They begin to show some independence but still need familiar adults around them. Strong emotions e.g. anger, fear and joy are shown.

At 2 years children will play near other children, this is called 'parallel play'. They begin to talk while playing (pretend play) and imitate adults' actions.

From 2-3 children are keenly...