The descriptive approach.

Essay by tamayouUniversity, Master's October 2005

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The descriptive approach is also called the psychological approach. According to this chapter the psychological approach "relies on psychological research and describes how people actually make ethical decisions" (pg.88). It also focuses on "cognitive barriers that can keep people from making good ethical decisions" (pg.110). In fact, this chapter mentions steps that we can follow to help us make better decisions and overcome obstacles that prevent us from making the right decisions.

Sometimes, people at work find it hard to make the right decisions in certain situations since they don't have the guidance or confidence that they need in order to make good ethical decisions. So, according to this chapter, managers can help employees make good ethical decisions by providing training. This training will encourage them to be morally aware about ethical issues that they may encounter at work. In addition, employees will be morally aware of situations and it will be easier for them to acknowledge a problem when it occurs.

So the training will help them feel more confident in making decisions. According to Trevino, "with moral awareness, a situation or issue is recognized to be an issue that raises ethical concerns"(pg.110). So, moral awareness will help people make moral judgments about certain situations. But, barriers to good ethical judgment can stop managers from making good ethical decisions. Thus, according to this chapter moral awareness and moral judgment are important steps in the ethical decision making process.

Furthermore, most of this chapter focuses on individual characteristics that can influence ethical conduct. In fact, according to this chapter, ethical conduct is influenced by personal characteristics. Some of these characteristics include the way people behave and think in certain situations. So people's traits or characteristics influence the way they respond to ethical situations. So if you are a moral...