Detrimental Argument Human Cloning.

Essay by thankyouCollege, Undergraduate October 2005

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Aside from religion, there is diversity in opinion over the ethics of human cloning. Our society tries to divide church from state and laws, but even with this in mind, there is still the question if it is ethical to interfere with the creating of human life, or in other words, to play God.

With today's advances in assisting infertile individuals with having children, some argue that there is no reason for cloning. In addition to this argument, some feel cloning will be used for personal gain by some. "Cloning also seems to raise the possibility that unscrupulous individuals in position of power would use the technology to perpetuate themselves and their grip on power. Perhaps the most widespread argument against human cloning is a deeply felt sense that biological uniqueness is a fundamental human right and intrinsic to human dignity." Is it ethical to create a clone who will their life as a creation of science?

We must examine what ethics means.

Merriam-Webster defines ethics as "discipline dealing with what is good and bad and with moral duty and obligation." Research has provided us with few benefits of cloning humans, with the exception of the creation of tissues and organs to save lives. Cloning was discussed as an option for infertile couples to have children, but cloning has lost its importance in this area with the advances in vitro fertilization.

On the negative side, there are too many unknowns in the field of human cloning. When considering human cloning one must take into consideration that "errors or incompleteness in the reprogramming process could cause deformity, infections and mental retardation in a human clone." (Human). It is also not known how the social interaction of the donor with the clone would affect the clone's psyche. Would the donor expect...