Deviant Behavior Associated With Fraternity Parties

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate April 2001

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Introduction The consumption of alcohol by minors in the United States of America is an issue that has existed for many decades and is widely believed to take place within the college environment. The most commonly known location that is associated with underage drinking on college campuses across the nation is the Greek System, an area populated by sororities and fraternities. Recently, the media and general public have placed a very negative image upon the Greek System, portraying fraternities as nothing but houses for young men to party all night, partake in casual sex, and illegally consume and distribute alcohol to minors. The powerful negative image that the media has presented the public of fraternity-related incidences has created a socially accepted link involving fraternities and deviance. It is the purpose of this study to further investigate deviant behavior within the fraternity party setting and demonstrate how strain and differential association theories can be used to provide possible explanations as to why fraternities do not consider their actions to be defined as deviant.

Observations In order to guarantee that the data for this study was uncontaminated by possible misrepresentations of attitudes and behaviors due to outside variables, precautions were taken to provide strictly observational results.

The scheduled time for the party to begin is 10 PM Thursday night, but the brothers aren?t expecting any girls to arrive until 10:30 PM at the earliest. With this in mind, many of the brothers begin drinking before anyone arrives as a sort of bonding time between them. Between 9:30 ? 10:30 PM, most of the brothers have consumed at least two or three beers but have shown no signs of intoxication. By 11 PM the party has started to peek and alcohol is present almost everywhere throughout the house. As girls enter...