What did the Holocaust and Japanese Relocation Act have in similarities?

Essay by InferiorHigh School, 10th gradeA+, June 2005

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During the 1930s to the 1940s, Hitler started or instituted the Numerberg law. Most Germans hated the Jews because Hitler's persuasion in his book "My Struggle" Germans started a devastating genocide which was a plan to wipe out the Jews, known as the Holocaust. While the holocaust was going on, America face their own hardships with Japan and other nations. On December 7, 1941, Japan planned a sly attack on Americas in Pearl Harbor. After this attack, America thought they had spies among their soils, so a general named Eugene Rostow called for a relocation for Japanese. This captured all Japanese on America and relocated them in camps that was secure with sentry guns and Marines.

There was alot of similarities between the Holocaust and the Japanese Relocation Act. One of these similarities was that both the Jews and Japanese were kept in a kind of "Ghetto". For Japanese, they were kept in a camp surrounded by walls that were protected by Marines and guns.

For the Jews, they were kept in four walls and were mostly moved to other parts of concentration camps. The Jews and Japanese were mostly kept in tents that were uncomfortable and had to fight for a bed. The Holocaust and Japanese Relocation Act was similar, but they also had their differences.

While the Japanese were treated more humane, the Nazi's were treating Jews like slaves and animals. Nazi's would make them run around naked in the cold and didnt let them get enough ration. The Nazi's were more inhumane treating than America. Another difference is that the Nazi's would kill or even burn the weak alive in Crematories. The Americans did not kill or even mistreat the Japanese, the Japanese were treated fairly well, or at least better than the Nazi's treated the Jews.