Did the people benefit from Nazi economic policies?

Essay by FranualHigh School, 10th gradeB+, January 2003

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The Nazis promised everyone a great deal from the economy. People had been so badly affected by the great depression that they believed Hitler's promise that the Nazis would restore prosperity and their place in the society. The Nazis promised the workers employment. During this essay I intend to discuss whether or not peoples faith in the Nazis was justified. Things appeared to be improving on the surface but were not necessarily getting better.

It seemed on the surface that the German workforce benefited from Nazi policies because the unemployment levels fell quickly after 1933. The truth behind this was that the unemployment levels declined in Britain and the USA as the world came out of the depression. German workers were not actually better off than they would have been under a non-Nazi government. Unemployment in Germany did drop to a lower level than in Britain. This was explained by the Compulsory labour on public works projects such as the constructions of houses, waterways and autobahns.

Between 1929 and 1933 were the worst years of depression. When the economy started to recover the wages began to increase. Wages were still lower in 1938 than they had been in 1928 but Germany's national income was now higher. Germanys wages continued to rise but now more slowly. The workforces were putting more in than they were getting out, people worked longer hours for their wages. The length of the working day increased and now most people worked 49 hors a week in 1939. In 1943 it went to 52 furthermore it went up to 60 hours a week. These figures were disguised by the statement how lucky people were to have jobs.

To find if people were benefited under Nazi control we need to compare the manufacturer of industrial goods with consumer...