Dimensions of a Novel- Animal Farm by George Orwell Political views on animal farm mirrored on the theme of an anti-utopian society.

Essay by idriveasaleenHigh School, 10th grade February 2003

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This novel is a follows the theme of an anti-utopian society. The setting of the novel is in an isolated farm, which allows for the development of a new society.

In this novel what appears to be a utopian society becomes corrupted and leads to the development of a dictatorship or and oligarchy to be exact. In the beginning of the novel a character named Old Major, begins a revolution. Most of the characters are animals with the capability to talk. Old Major is a twelve-year-old boar. He told the animals of his vision of a better life and his call for a rebellion against the bad men.

Following his speech, a rebellion has accidentally occurred in the farm chasing away the owner of the farm. Shortly after the rebellion, the young boars begin to take leadership. The beginning was peaceful and prosperous. Then the pigs began to change things slowly for their own good.

They began to take more of the food and provisions, and make the animals work more. The most significant example of this was the changing of the Commandments. The animals of this farm, which they renamed from Manor Farm to Animal Farm, had created seven rules, but because only the pigs of the higher class knew how to read they were able to change the commandments to their own needs.

By the end of the novel the society had become a totalitarian government and the dreams of a life in comfort and dignity is corrupted and shattered. Sadly the animals find themselves with even less than before.

A closer look at the pigs that made up the higher class in the Animal Farm, would give us insight to the actual government. In the beginning of the novel the animals rebelled because of the unjust...