Discuess Nationalism in the early 1800's. Includes Neo-Federalism, Era of Good Feelings, Marbury vs. Madison, Monroe Doctrine, etc.

Essay by neveragain1High School, 11th gradeA+, January 2004

download word file, 5 pages 4.3

Some historians refer to Jeffersonian-republicanism as "Neo-Federalism" or "Jeffersonian Federalism". People could argue that this is an inaccurate statement, while others will argue that this is correct and there is evidence to support those people. While Jefferson was in office, he really did nothing to increase democracy in government. Some see the Jeffersonian movement and the entire Republican as anti-capitalist, promoting the interests of the common man, and favoring a strict interpretation of the constitution. Traditional Jeffersonian Republicanism endorse a firm interpretation of the Constitution and an accent on the agrarian economic system, supporting agriculture and small household manufacturing, however, during Jefferson's time in office, he liberated away from his hypothetical principles. This apparent conciliation of Jeffersonian ideals is marked in the Federal governments assumption of various political powers and institution of capitalistic Hamiltonian economic reforms, both of which branch from Jefferson's major emphasis on construction. An example of this can be seen in the Louisiana Purchase.

Jefferson deviated from his strict interpretation of the constitution to obtain Louisiana from the French, which would benefit land speculators and Northern capitalists. He basically told the Senate to ratify the purchase with as little argument or debate as possible. Jefferson also wanted to reduce the role of the federal government, and decrease the national budget because he feared a large federal government. Jefferson made military cuts which decreased the size of the army and navy. He thought that reducing the size of the military would lessen any tension between the U.S. and other countries that feared the U.S. was becoming too powerful. This, according to Jefferson, would promote peace. After examining the policies of the Jefferson administration during this time period, the name "Neo-Federalist" seems appropriate as Jefferson managed to assume many of the same policies as the federalist while asserting republican...