Discuss the third force in psychology and how it differs from the first and second forces.Define and discuss the following terms: congruence, empathetic listening, peak experience, and the Jonah Complex.

Essay by samcat79University, Bachelor'sA, June 2010

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Discuss the third force in psychology and how it differs from the first and second forces.

The third force in psychology refers to the theories of Maslow, Allport, Rogers and May. It has been referred to as the self-actualization theory, transpersonal theory, humanistic theory, and the fourth force in psychology. Maslow referred to it as the holistic dynamic theory. What he meant by this is people are constantly being motivated by one force or another and have the potential for psychological growth.

The theories main beliefs are that all people have a hierarchy of needs that must be met before the higher ones will be met. There are five steps. The first basic need is physiological. People satisfy their needs for food and shelter before anything else. The second is safety followed by love and belongingness. We must feel like we are safe and fulfill our needs for love and companionship.

The last two steps Esteem and Self actualization come into play when all the lower steps are accomplished. Esteem need are refereed to our need for self respect, confidence, and competence. Self actualization is a step that isn't always made by all people. This step involves self fulfillment of life's goals and the realization of ones potential. Once you step here and fulfill your goals you become fully human.

This differs from the first and second steps in psychology because the first step refers to psychoanalysis and its modifications and the second refers to behaviorism and its different forms. Theses steps have limited views on humanity so Maslow rejected them. They also didn't take into account the way healthy people act on a psychological basis. Maslow committed to studying psychologically healthy individuals unlike Freud and others.

Define and discuss the following terms: congruence, empathetic listening, peak experience, and...