Discuss How Various Business Strategies Incorporate Different IT Strategies Available And How These Can Benefit An Organisation

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorUniversity, Master's November 2001

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BUCH10.011S IT Strategy and Planning Assignment 1 Discuss how various business strategies incorporate different IT strategies available and how these can benefit an organisation Suzanne Jagger Student No. 969001824 12/05/00 Table of Contents Strategic Planning to Implement and Manage New Technology 3 Value Chain Analysis to Evaluate Business Needs 3 Figure 1: RAMM Global Value Chain 4 Figure 2: How CRM Fits into Supply Chain 4 Decision Making and Team Building Strategies 5 The Holden Technique 5 Figure 3: Two-Dimentional Matrix for The Holden Technique 6 Emotion Quotient Analysis 6 Technologies to Support Change 7 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) 7 Customer Relationship Management (CRM) 7 Conclusion 8 Bibliography 9 Books 9 Periodicals 9 Internet 9 Others 11 Appendix I 12 Activity 1 12 Activity 3 13 ERP Benchmarks (in order of Market share) 14 Appendix II 15 Table of IT Strategies and Technologies 15 Discuss how various business strategies incorporate different IT strategies available and how these can benefit an organisation In 1998 the FoxMeyer Corporation issued bankruptcy proceedings after paying Andersen Consulting $30 million for a new ERP (SAP) system.

FoxMeyer contended that the system was capable of handling only 10,000 orders per day, compared with the 420,000 orders capable on their old mainframe system. There are numerous instances where new technological implementations have gone awry, resulting in chaos in an organisation. Various strategies for developing new information systems have been designed to improve the chances of success. This essay will explore a few of them and consider how they can aid businesses in achieving business value through two types of technology: ERP and CRM.

Strategic Planning to Implement and Manage New Technology Historically, many companies will have begun IS development without a strategic IS plan in place. However, experts agree that real business value is more likely to...