Discuss Whether or not Globalisation is the Death of Culture.

Essay by cherrycoolUniversity, Bachelor'sB-, November 2009

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In order to examine the possibility of globalisation being the death of culture, we must first explain what both globalisation, and the idea of culture, is. Globalisation has indeed played a role in both furthering and harming culture, and culture has in turn been a contributing factor to the expansion and growth of globalisation.

Globalisation itself means, quite literally, to 'create the globe'. One of the most quoted definitions is that of Anthony Giddens; "(Globalisation is) … the intensification of worldwide social relations, which link distant localities in such a way that local happenings are shaped by events occurring many miles away and vice versa" . Definitions can vary, depending on the source, but ultimately, globalisation can refer to a capitalist world system that spreads across the actual globe, expanding a network of relations between countries. These networks are often for wealth and trading purposes, and can at times come at the expense of culture.

Culture is an expression, rather than a simple definition. It links us to places and peoples through mediums such as religion, clothing, food, or the media. The media in particular is continuously advertising different cultures across the globe.

Globalisation also presents us with the dissolution of national state boundaries, representing the magnitude and increasing impact of social interaction and organisation. This links distant regions across the globe, economically and socially, and often through the medium of the media. Positive theorists of globalisation believe that it is both eventual and irreversible, and will bring huge benefits to mankind, but those opposed to globalisation believe it is only making lives and economies unequal. This leads us to a frequently posed question as to whether globalisation can be considered the homogenisation of the planet, or trying to merge all the economies of the world as one, most likely...