Divorce in America

Essay by bethanybrinkleyHigh School, 11th gradeB-, June 2014

download word file, 8 pages 0.0

Commit to Your Vows

Marriage is a legal binding that brings two people who not only love one another unconditionally, but in most occasions, want to make a family as well. Marriage is played off to be wonderful and effortless but the honest reality is that many people get divorces and not only does it effect them but it also causes plenty of the issues within our society.

The Bible states that, "Judaism traditionally considers marriage to be the ideal state of personal existance. A man without a wife, a woman without a husband, is considered incomplete." Divorce though, is mentioned as, "The dissolution of a marriage contract between a man and a woman, by the judgement of a court of competent jurisdiction. Not till a signing of the divorce is made, can either people treat one another as sole, even if a marriage is utterly null and void for some preexisting cause.

A decree of divorce must also be made during the lifetime of both people.

There are multiple complications that occur when two individuals unite together as one for the wrong reasons. Such as, benifits of money, becomming a legal citizen of the country, not being able to differentiate lust from love, and the list goes on.

To actually be in love with someone unconditionally when making the commitment to vowing one anothers love is by actually being able to love that person without any reguards as to the decisions or flaws that person my obtain. In addition to that, loving someone unconditionally is to test their entire well being. Marriage is a consant task on ones self control, patience, trust, integrity, communication skills, selflessness, and most importantly, the persons desire to remain faithful and loyal. This is all what will come to the conclusion of the worthiness...