Divorce essay about the causes, effects and solutions of divorce.

Essay by pimpn_mikeHigh School, 11th gradeA+, December 2002

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Many people get divorced for many reasons. There are many causes and many effects to divorce. There are proactive and reactive solutions to prevent divorce.

People get divorced because they either get really annoyed at their wife or husband but some other reasons are that they were just in love that wasn't going to last. In the U.S. in the year 2000 were 957,200 divorces have been reported (excluding the non-counting states). Marriages in the U.S. in the year 2000 were 2,355,005. Divorces in New York in the year 2000 were 62,794. Men the age of 45 that are married, the relationship ends in divorce. Women's first marriage ends in divorce and the age of woman is 60. Divorces happen either because there is no love in the relationship and the marriage wasn't a good choice. Another reason why a marriage doesn't work out is because of a baby that was born before the marriage.

The father wanted to take care of the baby but in order to take care of the baby the father needed to get married. But after a while they parents start to fight and the kid is in the middle of the controversy. While in the middle of this no one is paying any attention to the baby and the baby isn't receiving any trust from the parents. So the baby won't learn to trust anyone in his life. When the kid grows up and their parents are still fighting then the kid will start to develop mental problems like anger short tempers, loneliness, not many friends, and the main probability are the social problems that will affect the kid in a very negative way. The kid can become a very disturbed person. Many kids grow up with a father and mother but some don't...