how do the Montagues and Capulets react to loss in Romeo and Juliet?

Essay by CharleyJeynesHigh School, 11th gradeA, November 2014

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Throughout Romeo and Juliet loss is abound, making the text relatable for modern and contemporary audiences. Loss is an ineluctable part of human life allowing audiences from any era to be able to sympathise with the characters and connect with them. Many people share the view that lord Capulet cared little for his daughter, not unusual In Elizabethan times, but I feel there is much evidence to the contrary, lord Capulet, loved his "only child", Juliet.


Juliet's supposed death evoked intense feeling of grief and guilt, clearly shown in the successful use of alliteration. Capulet is overwhelmed by grief, exclaiming "O child, O child! My soul and not my child!". Throughout the text "O" is used to express characters grief. Capulet use of the repetition of "O" Portrays his shock to Juliet's death and the grief he feels over it. Shakespeare uses "O" numerous times to express grief because it can portrayed differently by each actor depending on their interpretation of the character.

In Capulets case either the actor thinks he is truly grieving over the death of his "only child" or he is exaggerating his reaction due to the presence of Paris. It can be interpreted this way because Capulet doesn't use "O" when talking about his loss until Paris enters. As soon as Paris sees Juliet he immediately exclaims "O love! O life!", Capulet then needs to outdo his reaction so that his love for Juliet is not questioned. Capulet is merely a misunderstood father as he truly grieves the death of his daughter although he neglects to show it to Juliet and the audience before her death. (effect on the audience)

In Juliet's "death" Capulet used a lot of imagery which serves to portray his emotions. He refers to her as the "sweetest flower" creating...