Where do we learn more?

Essay by htzhu_bjUniversity, Bachelor's May 2004

download word file, 2 pages 3.0

Downloaded 29 times

Learning from others, whether their points of view we share or not, as is

invariably advocated and exercised by all successful individuals, is the

best way to learn. By this means, others' experiences and lessons can be

learned; others' failures can be avoided; and others' advises can be heard.

Those who are not prepared or even unwilling to learn from others are doomed

to face failures and frustrations otherwise can be avoided.

But people's attitudes to learing from others vary drastically. Statistics

show that most of people more often than not tend to learn from people whose

views they share, while decline to leran from others whose views contradict

theirs. Some even argue that disagreement often causes stress and inhibits

learning. Bearing this argument in mind, they have "good reason" to resist

learning from those whose view of points they partly or even completely dis-

agree. In fact, it's just this kind of attitude to learning from others that

inhibits learning. What a pity!

Thus here naturally comes up a question: How to learn from others effectively?

At first, one should be ready to learn from others. As is witnessed in many

cases, we can learn from people whose views we share their way of analysis

and reasoning, which may be different from our own yet still helpful and

instructive. Though the end is the same, the paths we choose to get it are

different. Another way of analysis and reasoning can serve as a fairly good

supplement besides our own way. It will widen our vision as well as further

our unstanding of the issue concerned to some extent.

As for those people whose view of points contradict ours, we'd better learn

from them as well. Many distinguished statesmen even chose to learne from

their enimies. Just...