How does John Lennon use the imaginary journey to convey ideas?

Essay by vickular November 2006

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"Imagine" by John Lennon

John Lennon uses the imaginary journey to convey ideas about serenity and harmony throughout humanity. He once commented the song was "anti-religious, anti-nationalist, anti-conventional and anti-capitalistic song, but because it's sugar-coated, it's accepted". He achieves this purpose through the use of soft soothing piano music, "utopian" lyrics and implications of invitations by using the word "imagine" repeatedly. "Imagine" is by all means a classic which will endure in the hearts of many, as long as it is still around.

During this song, Lennon takes the audience on an imaginative journey to his version of Utopia. The imaginative journey here focuses on peace and unity between all mankind. Lennon indicates that the causes for war and damage are groups (like religion, politics, race, ethnicity, class) that divide humanity. In his "utopia" there were no religions, possessions, hunger nor greed. "No hell below us" or a heaven above.

These as a result made him think that there'd be "nothing to kill or die for".

The cause for this song to be written was because John wrote it with a very deep love for the human race and a concern for its future. The lyrics were once thought to be inspired just by Lennon's hopes for a perfect world. However, it was later proven that the song's refrain was coined by his wife, Yoko Ono, in reaction to her childhood in Japan during the Second World War.

During his journey, Lennon incorporates techniques such as repetition and soft soothing piano music to take us into his fantasy where the existence of prejudice, "greed" and "hunger" are ultimately eliminated. Throughout the song, he repeats the word "imagine" several times. This implicates an invitation for the audience to join him in his imagination where "all the people", the "brotherhood of...