Domestic Violence Questions Answered.

Essay by tumblekerA, October 2005

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1. Define domestic violence.

There are many definitions for the term domestic violence. Some include the following; violence and abuse by family members or intimate partners such as a spouse, former spouse, boyfriend or girlfriend, ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend, or date, violence that occurs within a family or an intimate relationship, including wife beating and child abuse, and finally incidents of inter-spousal physical or emotional abuse perpetrated by one of the spouses or parent figures upon the other spouse or parent figure in the child victim's home environment. The text defines the term domestic violence as: any spousal or interfamilial conflicts of sufficient nature to justify law enforcement intervention; spousal abuse is most frequently cited. May involve parent-child conflict, either physical or psychological (Gosselin, 2004).

2. Domestic violence is a classification containing many crimes that are committed against the person. List examples of these crimes.

Beating, pulling hair, shoving, striking, pulling, punching, slapping, kicking, hitting, choking, biting, pointing weapons, throwing things, threatening, harassing, sexual abuse, stalking, and homicide (Gosselin, 2004).

3. What are abuse prevention acts?

Abuse prevention acts are legislation to prevent domestic violence attempts. They address specific problems related to interfamilial and intimate relationships. They provide clear instructions to law enforcement on the intent of the law, outlining the responsibility of police officers (Gosselin, 2004).

4. What relationships constitute a domestic relationship?

It varies by state but generally any married couple, intimate partners, those living together within a household. There is no uniform understanding of what constitutes a domestic relationship. There is some common ground when defining the relationship and include; people who are or were legally married, persons who reside together without being married, persons related through marriage, persons who share a child in common, a woman who is pregnant and the man who is presumed to be...