"Double Face" analysis from The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan

Essay by miyavicakeJunior High, 9th gradeA-, November 2008

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SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1Joy Luck Club Essay Redo + New Conclusion Jenny Yan

Period 4

Objectives: 1) Explain the most important theme(s) revealed by the author in my section of The Joy Luck Club.

2) Be sure to: A) follow all style rules

B) give a clear opening statement that clearly identifies the subject

In "Double Face" of The Joy Luck Club, Lindo Jong recounts her journey coming into America as she sits in Waverly's hairstylist, Mr. Rory's, chair, preparing for Waverly's second wedding. The symbolism surrounding Waverly and her mother's conversation through the salon mirror subtly imply an underlying theme of a lack of communication.

Waverly and her mother seem to be talking in different worlds as both daughter mother struggle to understand each other's culture. For example, Lindo tells Waverly that the people in China "already know that [she] is an outsider," which confuses Waverly, because the Americanized Waverly cannot understand Lindo's Chinese metaphors.

Afterwards, as Waverly and her mother meet for coffee, Waverly remarks to Lindo that she "is her own person", only to have Lindo question herself about "when [she has] given [Waverly] up;" due to Lindo's lack of understanding of "Americanisms", Waverly's comment confuses Lindo. Later, Waverly and Lindo speak through the "mirror" at the salon to each other's "reflections". Since speaking through mirrors is an "American custom," Lindo, a traditional Chinese woman who is accustomed to the custom of speaking directly to her elders, finds this strange.

While at Mr. Rory's salon, Waverly shows a complete lack of respect for her mother.

For example, Waverly openly criticizes her mother's head, as if Lindo "was not there," clearly disregarding her mother's existence. Then, Waverly speaks to Lindo in a loud voice, as if Lindo

has "lost her hearing," condescendingly...