"A Double Sidded Mirror" - An interesting interpetation on Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. All quotes are sited.

Essay by Celes_ChereCollege, UndergraduateA-, December 2002

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Although Victor Frankenstein and his Creation seem to be completely different on the surface, it isn't too far fetched to believe that these two living beings share something in common. Victor shunned his Creation for the monster he seemed to be. Was this simple superficiality? Or was Victor Frankenstein seeing qualities of himself within this so called monster?

It may seem as if two beings that look so different may have absolutely nothing in common, but there are many similarities that seem to be over looked. They both feel emotion. They both feel anger; pain, resentment, guilt ... even love.

Many times within the pages, Victor speaks repetitively about "His Elizabeth". He makes it abundantly clear that he loves her dearly. When his mother presented her to him for the very first time, he automatically assumed the responsibility of her. "I, with childish seriousness, interpreted her words literally and looked upon Elizabeth as mine - mine to love, protect, and cherish."(Chapter

1, pg. 18, said by Victor Frankenstein after his mother presented Elizabeth to him). Beyond anything else, he looked forward to their union. "My dear Father, reassure yourself. I love my cousin tenderly and sincerely. I never saw any woman who excited, as Elizabeth does, my warmest admiration and affection. My future hopes and prospects are entirely bound up in the expectation of our union." (Chapter 18, pg 109. Victor to his Father). It becomes clear that he cannot live without the love and affection of "His Elizabeth".

The creature also desires this bond. After being turned away from the cottagers so abruptly after making such a kind gesture towards them, he sees more and more that it is Victor who needs to create him a companion. Someone to love and cherish as he does Elizabeth. "You must create...