"Down a Dark Hall" by Lois Duncan

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 12th grade February 2008

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Lois Duncan is know as a best seller in Novel books. She has been writing since she was twenty years of age. Lois has forty best-selling books for young people and adults. She has one a high acclaim and was chosen by the American Library Association to receive " Best Books For Young Adults Award". Among her many stories, eleven have been most popular suspense stories for young people. Her personal favorite story of is a Non-Fiction story on her own daughters murder called " Who Killed My Daughter".

Down A Dark Hall by Lois Duncan is a story that takes place in a boarding school in upper New York, during the 1970's. Kit , a fourteen-year-old girl has to go away to a boarding school called "Blackwood School for Girls." At first, she was looking forward to it and she was sure her best friend Tracy would be there with her.

But it ended up her best friend didn't pass the test to get into the school. She begged her Mom and Dan (her new stepfather) not to make her go. There was no way to get out of Blackwood so she was forced to go. Kit didn't want stay in Blackwood because she thought the place was strange and also felt the school was haunted. Kit also had unknown psychic powers. Blackwood had only one phone which was locked up. After talking to her parents, she realized that the letters she wrote didn't get sent to them. They got only the letters that showed nothing was wrong with Blackwood.

Kit was walking down the stairs and by the mirror she saw an image. It was a ghost. She started screaming at the top of her lungs. After that incident, she wrote a note to her friend Tracy, and...