drunk driving

Essay by 8ksandbuJunior High, 9th gradeA-, November 2014

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Driving intoxicated impacts thousands of peoples lifes

every year. Driving drunk costs the United States 132 billion

dollars a year. It costs on average per United States citizen 500

dollars a year. Drinking and driving can be preventable. Almost

every 90 seconds a person is injured by a drunk driving accident.

You can even prevent it today.

High Schoolers today that use alcohol or other substances

are 5 times more likely to drop out of highschool. Children who

start drinking young are 7 times more likely to get in a alcohol

related car crash. Car crashes are the number one leading cause

of teen death and more than a quarter of them are caused by

underage drunk driving. Teen alcohol use kills about 4,700

people each year, more than all illegal drugs combined. One in 6

teens drink but only 1 of 100 parents believe that their child drinks

alcohol. Have the talk with your young teenage family members

today before something happens.

After all the statistics I just listed, I believe most people will

someday be involved in an accident that includes drunk driving. I

remember my grandpa and grandma telling me a story of when

they were driving on highway 18 by Boyden, Iowa in 1972. They

had their first kid they ever had with them. He was only 6 months

old. As they were driving through Boyden a drunk driver was

heading east and they were heading west as they met the drunk

driver. The drunk driver just turned right into them head on. Back

then they just had a baby seat with their son in it and it flew under

the dash. After the drunk driver took off running away in a

cornfield, their son, of 6 months, was not breathing at the time.

Luckily, another...