Drunk Driving will get you no where

Essay by CoachMAgniHigh School, 10th gradeA-, April 2004

download word file, 2 pages 3.4

People need to be aware that what happened to me can happen to you. I had never thought about impaired driving as an issue in my youth, it wasn't a debate. Now I know. Life really is about choices." This quote was from Tom Boyle who killed Brian Colgan in a drunk driving accident in 1995. Tom Boyle states that life is about choices. This brings up the issue with Massachusetts wanting to place a "scarlet letter" (mark of shame) on the licenses of convicted drunk drivers. Placing the "scarlet letter" on the licenses of convicted drunk drivers is a senseable consequence. Being a senseable consequence it brings up the old saying "if you do it once you are bound to do it again", many statistics prove there are a great number of drunk drivers, and the "scarlet letter" will reduce the amount of drunk drivers on the road.

When I was a child I dropped a rock on my sisters head not knowing any better, but after being disiplined for doing this I decided to go back and do it again.

This is accountable for most drunk drivers we have today; like stated above, "if you do it once you will do it again." If someone is an alcoholic they are bound to keep drinking due to the fact it is a daily routine and they need medical help. Having the mark on the license will motivate the alcoholic to get help and give police and pedestrians warning of the individual. "Alcohol is the 2nd most addicting substance in the United States followed by marijuana", posted Time Magazine June 2001 Issue. Being the 2nd most addicting substance, it is hard not to drink and drive.

Teenage Drunk Driving.com Statistics prove that on any given weekend evening, one in 10...