Dyslexia Children

Essay by bu5t3r March 2004

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Dyslexia, common in children, is a learning disorder in which an individual has difficulty reading despite having had adequate access to education and sufficient intelligence. There is a difference in the brain architecture that causes a certain part of the brain of a person with dyslexia to have trouble decoding the written word. There are over 20 million children in the United States between the ages of 5 and 9 and as many as 1 to 2.4 million of them could have dyslexia.

Dyslexia can be caused in two ways, by inherited factors and by hearing problems at an early age. There are 2 factors in inherited factors ; ectopic cells (bunches of cells beneath the surface of the brain) and the magno-cellular system (which deals with our ability to see moving images). These ectopic clusters of cells are mainly found in the left and the front part of the brain, the areas which are important for reading and writing, but in normal person this ectopic clusters lie on the surface in the brain.

The magno-cellular system is slightly smaller in the brains of dyslexic people.

A study published in the journal Science found that as English-speaking children with dyslexia begin to read, they face an awesome task, requiring them to learn more than 1,100 ways that written letters are used to symbolize 40 sounds. It may explain why there are twice as many identified dyslexics in English-speaking cultures as in countries with less complex languages, such as France and Italy.

Most people are very careful to avoid preferential treatment for students based on gender, but new research suggests boys may need special attention to cope with a higher prevalence of reading disabilities. The researchers found that boys were two to three times more likely to suffer from dyslexia...