Early Childhood Education and Mandatory Enrollment

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorCollege, Undergraduate February 2008

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A. Thesis Statement: By regulating mandatory enrollment into pre-school and Kindergarten, on an equal level, not only are children given an all-important head start on life at a time when they are at their most impressionable, they are also more likely to become successful contributors to society which makes early childhood education a positive directive.

B. Claims: Three claims must be developed which include: why there should be mandatory enrollment for pre-school and Kindergarten, children will receive a head start in life because of mandatory pre-school and Kindergarten, and children will become successful contributors to society because of mandatory pre-school and Kindergarten.

Why should there be mandatory enrollment for pre-school and Kindergarten is quite simple. Some parents enroll their children in these classes on their own better judgment, adding to the ?higher positive statistic rate as far as the benefits of early childhood education? (Hurst, M.

2004). I will have to list reasons and or examples as to why this should be mandatory, and back up my theories. I will list examples showing kids who are enrolled in these early stages of education as opposed to children who start school when they reach the now set mandatory age of six. I will list the benefits for the children themselves, as well as the benefits of the community because of imposing the early childhood education law that should be mandated.

Children will receive a head start in life due to attending pre-school and Kindergarten because they will be that much more advanced than a child entering first grade with no prior schooling behind them. Their language will be clearer and fluent, as well as a sense of maturity for their age when they enter the first grade. I will have to produce facts that back up my...