Earth In 40 Years

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 12th grade February 2008

download word file, 3 pages 4.0

Growing up in the Pacific Northwest, I have always been surrounded by nature, magnificent mountains, rugged coastlines and tall, lush coniferous forests. They all have played a very important role in my childhood and still do to this day. Yet, I have become to realize that I have been taking their beauty for granted. The natural environment that surrounds me today is being ravaged and destroyed at ever increasing rates, while blind or maybe just naïve eyes look pass.

Regardless, today's Earth is still a splendid place to be. There are numerous species of plants and animals inhabiting the various biomes of our planet, from the frozen tundra to the humid tropical rain forest. A large amount of the soil in agricultural areas remains productive and fertile and the atmosphere is still fairly clean in many areas of the world. However, through the development of environmental science, problems that have emerged due to the impact of humans on the natural systems of the Earth have been discovered.

Sterloff, a journalist for the Oregonian, emphasizes that, "A fantastically complex web of interrelation links every aspect of the environment..." Our actions, intentional or not, to alter the Earth in years prior result in repercussions that are greater and farther reaching than we can ever expect. Discoveries, such as, global warming, the depletion of the ozone layer, and the effects of deforestation and overgrazing on ecosystems, are just a couple examples of this.

Still, even though these environmental concerns have become very evident to us, little has been done to address them. The majority of our resources go into fueling the modern industrial system that we employ, frequently, conflicting with environmental preservation. The effects of our actions are not yet barring our lifestyles, and until they do, comfort will remain our main concern,