Emphsis On Physical Appearance

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorCollege, Undergraduate February 2008

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Is There Emphasis On Beauty On Women in Today's Society Today's society is taking part in an ever-changing process. This process is finding out what is important to everyone, in every culture. Society defines beauty as a possibly slender figure for the female, clear complexion, and deep eyes. There were times when people put lots of emphasis on being moral and having beauty on the inside. In today's times that emphasis has been put on having the best of the best and looking great. There has been a great decadence of what truly matters. One could come to a conclusive agreement on the subject by considering the influence of the media, the behavior of general societies, and the views of the proponents on the issue.

The media has now become very important in today's cultures. There are millions of people who are very attentive to the media. According to Sharlene Hesse-Biber, beauty is a cultural constructed message that creates an obsession with the body (Young, 1).

The media is forcing society to accept these culturally and socially construed ideals of beauty. Advertisements once served a purpose, which was to inform the public of upcoming or present products; now you never know what is the product, the model or the product that is being pushed in the background. "But these unrealistic images are often the standard of beauty that is depicted in the 3,000 advertisements that people see each day"(Young, 2). Images of models, who do not represent the general population, are viewed, as the epitome of what everyone should strive to become. They themselves are superficial, because they undergo many transformations to appeal to particular audiences.

In general societies there were ethics and morals that people once lived by. There was once great weight put on having beauty on the...