
Essay by adleguidotHigh School, 12th gradeB, November 2014

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Guidot Adèle 16th September 2014

yr12 IB

Text A (b)

This text has been written in order to convince an audience to support Oxfam (which is an international confederation trying to find solutions to poverty, and its ultimate goal is to enable people to exercise their rights and manage their own lives) by giving a donation of $35, $50 or even $100.

In this case, the writer wants people to help Oxfam in their education campaign by giving « shocking » facts about the rate of children who are unable to go to school in poor countries.

This is a letter, written by The Executive Director of Oxfam Canada, on October 2004, the 1st.

It is consisting of 12 little paragraphs.

The writer begins the letter with « Dear friends », so he talks to them directly,

That letter begins by a « dear friend » in order to familiarize and sensitize the readers, they will feel like they are close to the executive director of Oxfam, they will have some empathy for him, this is a way to have the readers on his side and to have more chance to gain their support.

He wants them to put themselves in children's shoes in poor countries who are unable to go to school by using word such as « imagine » (l.3).

He wants to create some awareness and to open the audience's eyes that there are other people in the world who don't have the same chance as we do (people in undeveloped countries) such as not to have the privilege to get schooling ; « and yet, in poor countries equivalent numbers of children are unable to go to school - and the world stands silent by ».

The writer underline some sentence, to show their importance,