This essay is assesing the accusations made against King George III in the Declaration of Independence.

Essay by sahnson2High School, 11th gradeA+, December 2003

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The Declaration of Independence, arguably the most important document in our history, was a statement of purpose. The declaration is divided into four sections, the first and most recognized is the preamble; in the preamble the colonies explain why it is necessary to issue a declaration. Second, it describes the inalienable rights of every man, which include: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The third section, which often times is overlooked, is a large list of grievances and accusations against King George III. The final section the colonies declare that they are, and of right ought to be, free and independent. The section, which includes numerous accusations against King George III, is particularly noteworthy, and it is through these grievances that the most important laws embedded in the Constitution were derived. Some of the complaints against the king may seem strange or even trivial to today's reader, but it must be remembered that the purpose of the Declaration was the molding of public opinion and not the recording of facts.

The accusation expressed against King George III that points to his tyrannical character expressed in the Declaration of Independence can be highlighted by the dissatisfaction with the imposition of taxes on the colonies without their consent, the act of cutting off all colonial trade with the outside world, and through the obstruction of justice by means of refusing to fulfill his obligation to establish justice and a righteous judicial system.

The writers of the declaration of independence blamed George III for the imposition of taxes against the colonies. This is simply another example cited as to why George III was a tyrannical king and ruler. There was no single that sparked this sudden accusation against King George III. The combination of such taxes as the sugar act, which faced...