This essay is basically just research on Kenya...Different activities, what people do there, eat, etc.

Essay by KewlDudetteJunior High, 9th grade October 2003

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White sand beaches, fringed with palms, casuarinas, oleanders, and brilliant bougainvillea, washed by the incredible blue waters of the Indian Ocean. Kenya's coral reef thrives with a variety of life, and because of its immense size, you can tell many creatures lived there. First, I will write about sea turtles, and how they survived in the Kenyan coast. Then, I will write about Kenya's land, and creatures that live there. Finally, I will write about other varietys of fish living in its coast.

To begin with, sea turtles thrive in Kenya's coast. "Despite the ban on the export/import of sea turtle products by about a hundred and twenty countries, all eight species are endangered or threatened worldwide." (Meda 2) After further investigation, it was revealed that a population of just one thousand to two thousand lived in the coast; including olive ridley, hawksbill, and the green turtle. They begin active life as tiny hatchlings, that dash for the sea against dismal odds, with less than a one per cent chance of living to maturity.

(Meda 2) They lived over a hundred and fifty million years ago, before dinosaurs. (Meda 1) They have life spans of fifty to a hundred years, are the earth's oldest living vertebrate animals, and live in the ocean waters off all continents except Antarctica.

Secondly, as the Kenyan coast is clean and pure, there are many ways to describe it. Its white sand beaches are lined with palms, casuarinas, oleanders, and brilliant bougainvillea, washed by the incredible blue waters of the Indian Ocean, refreshed by gentle monsoon breezes, and its wildlife sanctuaries are enchanting. (Sharta 3) There are animals in wide variety, including marlin, sailfish, tuna, wahoo, or barracuda, which are mostly found wild in the ocean. They are the ordinary fish that are...