An essay commenting on the musical Bouncers by John Gober. Comments on the drama, effects and touching comedy.

Essay by selliesA, April 2004

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Bouncers - an ensemble by John Godber portrays lager-swilling lads, lipsticked, lacquered girls, all gyrating to the pulse of the dance floor; whilst out in the freezing cold skulk the ever watchful, ever ready, ever observant yet brutish bouncers - Lucky Eric, Jud, Les and Ralph. And so begins the journey into the secrets of a Friday night.

John Godber along with "Bouncers" also wrote the acclaimed play "teechers". Two plays which require the actors to perform a variety of age, sex and stances; exploring the stage space with minimal props. Bouncers, set within the 1980s, explore themes such as stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination. Godber undermines this seriousness with comments such as "Lucky Eddie's first speech" or a chorus of "social comment". Beneath the comedy however, lies some very serious "social comment", not so much the voiced comment but the impression of the desperately empty lives of all the characters, male and female, bouncers and clubbers.

Both plays are similar to each other, not just in staging but also in textual context.

A favourable character throughout "Bouncers" was the character Les, also know as Kev and Cheryl. Kev I would describe as a stereotypical lad, not that bright with a fondness for lager. Les, a man of very little words and as for Cheryl, a clichéd ditzy northern lass with a good heart.

Each character was interesting in their own right

The whole cast came across as very enthusiastic and portrayed a variety of ideas.

The opening "Bouncers" introduced the lads and the girls, which smoothly ran into the opening scene at the hairdressers.

With each character I saw a certain item that the audience could associate with. For example as Cheryl her top would be tied up, however as a bouncer...