This essay compares the views of booker t washington and DU bois.

Essay by djruffUniversity, Bachelor's November 2003

download word file, 2 pages 3.0

Prop 54 is a California constitutional initiative that will come before voters in the next statewide election, currently scheduled for October 7, 2003. The point that will be targeted are health care, school reforms, law enforcement, last but not civil rights. Prop 54 is a Racial Privacy Initiative this is a banning racial preference in state admissions, hiring and public contracting. Being the latest initiative designed to change the way Californians think about race. Proposition 54, lead by UC Regent Ward Connerly, who campaigned for Prop. 209, is a constitutional amendment that would ban the state from collecting racial data. Prop. 209 is the initiative that made California the first state to abolish action.

If this proposition is passed, health care will be affected tremendously. Health problems affect different groups excessively. For example health data would be banned and that is used for very important purposes. Like tracking cancer rates by community and location, the prevention of hepatitis B in Asian communities, the analyzing of data that doctor have that white women have breast cancer at higher rates and the illnesses that outbreak in different groups.

Over all the healthcare organizations strongly oppose Proposition 54. This proposition will prevent the healthcare organizations to collect information that will come in need for the society. Racial preferences don't really matter in the healthcare area.

In the educational area the collecting of racial data is a innermost part of the evaluation process. It is what allows schools to determine whether some groups are improving more than others. It also what targets resources so the best improvement is done. And without the measurement of the data the schools will be stripped from funding. If the gathering of race related statistical information would no longer be allowed, recognizing areas that need work would...