Essay on "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald

Essay by rt3378High School, 10th gradeA-, October 2007

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Names and Colors’ Representations in The Great GatsbyThroughout The Great Gatsby, names and colors contributed greatly to the major themes. For example, white is a major color in this novel. It mainly represents Daisy’s innocence.

Major themes in this book are the characteristics and classes of people and they are shown through colors and names. The valley of ashes holds the lower life because ashes are gray. Gray is not a pure or bright color. This area is also overlooked by the eyes of Doctor T.J. Eckleberg, which means God is watchful of the vulgar acts in life. Secondly, Gatsby has a different type of color on his car: “[Gatsby’s car] was a rich cream color” (59). Since most cars during the Jazz Age are black, the cream color stands out and shows Gatsby’s money because it is more expensive to have a cream colored car because cream is harder to make than black.

Thirdly, Daisy is described as white: “She dressed in white, and had a little white roadster…” (74). When Daisy shows her daughter, Daisy and Jordan are both wearing white and Daisy is described as white: “Her face bent into the single wrinkle of the small white neck” (117). Daisy also talks about her white childhood. She is very innocent and a virgin before she meets men. Also, her last name, Fay, means fairy and weak, both are adjectives that describe Daisy very well. She is fairylike because she is extremely attractive. Since richer people in America are English, James Gatz changed his name to Jay Gatsby to sound English instead of German. Also, Meyer Wolfsheim has a Jewish name and he isn’t connected to the English people of Buchanan, Fay, or Carraway. Weather symbolizes Gatsby and Daisy’s relationship. In chapter V, Daisy comes to tea at...