This essay has quotes and points of view from the books Thoreau and Emerson.

Essay by GujulunaticCollege, UndergraduateA, July 2005

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Why Should We Read?

Why should we read? What does reading provide us? What are the consequences of not reading? These are the questions you should think about when reading a book. Reading plain and simple books are not enough for our minds. We need to challenge ourselves to improve our self's. The challenges reading provides us will help us exercise our minds and in return we will gain knowledge. Books are like a new world waiting to be explored by readers. They await the time to inspire and influence the youth to greater careers. It has long been said that reading is the essential truth to life by many great writes such as Emerson and Thoreau. Not only do they speak about reading but they emphasize on the ability of taking action. Knowledge is not power unless it is used in action. To succeed in today's modern world, you need to understand the way reality works.

Books provide hidden messages, which reveal all secrets of reality. The secrets cannot be found just by reading, there must be a certain amount of thought and view put into the reading. If reading is the essential truth to life, then all of lives truth can be found in books.

Reading has its own mystical powers of throwing knowledge into a persons mind without even letting the person know. These facts that we acquire from reading great classics help us answer questions and provide new questions to think about. A quote from Walden and Resistance To Civil Government provides the same sense of reading, "The book exists for us perchance which will explain our miracles and reveal new ones." (Thoreau, pg.73) This quote means that when reading a book we understand our own adventures by looking through the perspective of...