This is an essay written for an entrance scholarship. the essay is about womens involvement in the canadian labout movement.

Essay by leezj17 May 2004

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As we all know, women have struggled and have overcome endless conflict and controversy throughout history. Since the late 19th century women have been coordinating to establish a valid role in society for equality and justice. Women were not considered citizens and did not even have the right to vote. In the beginning, women were only seen as uneducated people, homemakers, and cleaners, dependent on their husbands and were not welcome into the job market. The women who managed to get into the workforce however faced many challenges. Women were paid much less than the wage men were paid. Sexual harassment, inequality, discrimination and prejudice were few of the issues women had to face. It is important to recognize that women have put many issues on to the bargaining table and have gained rights they truly deserve. Society would be at a loss if it wasn't for women.

During the war women were not considered useful or needed in the workforce. A prevalent revolution for women happened after the war, when women began to see a drastic increase in numbers in the workforce. Although women accounted for almost half of the working population, they were still unequal to their male colleagues. Regrettably, this inequality issue continues today however, women have made a huge leap forward in history and are becoming more and more equal everyday. The increase in numbers of women in the workforce was a significant issue in the battle for social and economic development. They began to account for 42% of the workforce and began to work not just for a stable income but, wanted to be taken seriously. Women wanted an alternative to the traditional "at home mother" lifestyle. Women began to have ambition to have their own careers, be independent in society,