An essay on year round schooling. During creative writing.

Essay by 3133704High School, 11th gradeA+, February 2003

download word file, 1 pages 4.0

In 1994, the Wisconsinn state school board initiated a plan that made the school year a 12 month school year. In 1997, the California state school board initiated a 12 month school year that sent children to school for a full year, without breaks. Both of these states then took a statistical poll to find out how well the studens were learning compared to schools with a normal 9 month schedule. Both states had come to find out that student learning and participation had decreased dramatically.

Upon further investigation, the Wisconsinn state school board found out that the year long school year, with breaks, was tiring students so much that some became very ill. The Wisconsinn state school board found out that the students were falling ill to the fatigue, as well as becoming disruputable in class due to the fact that they were forcing themselves to try and stay awake.

When the California state school board investigated further into the issue at hand, it too found that school learning and participation had decreased dramatically. Fatigue was a shared disadvantage in both schools. The differences between the two schools wasn't far-and-few either. The California state school board found that the majority of attending students had become addicted to such drugs as Speed, Crystal Meth, PCP, and Crack Cocain. The students began to abuse the drugs on account of the long school days and years. The addicted students were attempting to "escape" from the school work. The California state school board also found out that more students 3were becoming suseptile to suicide. Furthermore, the Cal state school board found out that gang violence increased four fold due to tired and irritated gang members and leaders. So much, in fact, that police were called in constantly, disturbing the teaching and learning of...