Ethical Procedures and Guidelines Defining Pschycological Research

Essay by Anonymous UserUniversity, Bachelor'sA+, March 1997

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Psychological research is often a very controversial subject among experts. Many people feel that there are many moral standards that are often not followed. Others may believe that there is much harmful misinformation that can often be harmful to subject and others. Still others believe that psychology is a lot of theories without any reinforcing information. Whether any of these assumptions may be true or not, there have been guidelines created which serve to silence many critics of the science. These guidelines make research safe and structured, which will protect the subjects from unnecessary harm.

As psychology advances, there is seen a need for more rules and regulations for the ensurement of subject comfort. Hence, there are many more rules now than even twenty years ago. These rules really encompass a few broad but very important ideas. One of these ideas is protecting the dignity of the subjects. Another important component of this code refers to consent.

All of these will be explained in greater detail below. Another gray area in psychology lies in the deception of subjects. There are some basic rules guiding how deceptions can be carried out. There is a large section of the code that was made with regards to animal research. The last major section of the ASA ethical guidelines has to do with giving credit where credit is due, and information sources. All of these regulations make research safer for the subjects and increase the effectively of psychological research.

In psychological research, protecting subjects dignity is very important. Without willing subjects the research process would be brought to a halt. In order to protect the subjects' dignity, the lab experiments must be well prepared, and ethically appropriate. Only subjects who are targeted should be affected, and if a large number of people are to...