Ethics and Morality of Euthanasia

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorUniversity, Bachelor's February 2008

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Outline I. Introduction II. Euthanasia III. Patients Right to Die IV. Legal Issues With Euthanasia V. Nursing Attitudes Toward Euthanasia VI. Contributing Factors for Nurses VII. Conclusion Ethics and Morality of Euthanasia Luke Westphal NSG 316 H003 February 24, 2007 The role of a healthcare professional is a very trying role. Nurses and doctors alike are faced with difficult decisions everyday that interfere with their own personal beliefs and values. It is times like these that they have to put their own beliefs aside and have to follow the wishes of their patients, and sometimes this could mean life or death for their client. In these situations, the question is asked; what is more important, the rights and needs of the patient, or the law that is supposed to protect them. Euthanasia is a very tough subject to approach, and like all tough subjects, there is a light and dark side to it.

It can be a very helpful tool for those patients that are in unbearable pain or other special situations that make them feel that they can no longer go on living, but it also tears families apart and sends some healthcare professionals to prison.

In Wikipedia, the free dictionary, euthanasia is defined as ?the practice of terminating the life of a person or animal in a painless or minimally painful way in order to stop suffering or other undesired conditions in life.? Euthanasia is also sometimes referred to as mercy killing or assisted suicide and it is a practice that occurs all around the world in secret as well as in the public eye. In the healthcare field, euthanasia might be carried out by a physician or a nurse and could be anything from giving a lethal dosage of medicine to simply not resuscitating a client that...