Ethics Theories Table.

Essay by adones1 November 2005

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The ethics theories table is a discussion of several ethical theories. In this paper I will discuss the duty-based ethics, goal-based ethics, right-based ethics, and human nature ethics. I will define each theory and match the real-world examples and establish workplace examples. Ethics Theories Table Real-World Examples:

a. I believe people should be able to eat sand if they like the taste of it.

Answer: Goal-Based Ethics.

b. I believe that if sand is going to be eaten, then it should be available for everyone to eat.

Answer: Human Nature Ethics.

c. I believe people should be able to eat sand because eating sand is the right thing to do. Answer: Duty-Based Ethics.

d. I believe people should be able to eat sand because it is good for one's health.

Answer: Right-Based Ethics.

Ethics is a "set of moral principles or values," a definition that portrays ethics as highly personal and relative (Trevino& Nelson,).

The first ethical theory in the table is Duty-based which is an "individuals conceived of as having absolute, inherent moral obligation to some outside source (like God or society) to take or refrain from certain actions, regardless of an individual's particular goals and situation" (Hsieh Diana).

Duty-based ethics acts are good because they are done for the sake of what is right and not because of consequences they might produce. Duty-based is linked to universal principals that should govern all our actions. A reason is a faculty that aids discovery of correct moral principals, because reason guides will result actions are done from duty. A common example of duty-based is the Ten Commandments, each commandment is simple, and to refrain from certain actions or you'll pay the consequences. In the Sears Loss Prevention (L.P.) department at work the majority of the time...