Evaluate how well Australia has adopted its obligations under its ratifications of international human rights principles.

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Generally, Australia's ratification of its international human rights obligations has been QUITE good. We have free elections, an independent judiciary, the Executive which is bound the law. Our liberties are legally protected, we have enough to eat and drink, receive secondary education, have access to health care and services, are properly housed, we aren't HARASSED by the State for holding different views to it, we have FREEDOM of movement, to PRACTICE our religion, our privacy is protected AND we live in a relatively safe and healthy environment. All these rights are a reflection of Australia's obligations under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948 and other international treaties, conventions and organisations that Australia is party to. Thus essentially we as Australians enjoy a level of human rights protection on a PAR with ANY other nation and BETTER than most.

Most obvious promotion of human rights in Australia is via statutes enacted by the Parliament with the express intention to implement the provisions of human rights: for instance the Human Rights Equal Opportunity Commission Act 1986 (Cth) which incorporates Australia's obligations under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 1966), ensuring that Australians have access to the right to free speech.

The commonwealth Sex, Racial and Disability Discrimination Acts and states Anti-Discrimination Acts ALL echo the sentiments of international human rights provisions. Our Constitution ALSO provides some explicit rights for instance freedom of religion as WELL as our common law which provides implicit rights via judge's decisions such as the right to fair trial. But common law has also RESTRICTED human rights like the right to legal representation as evident in McInness v The Queen (1979) However, in Dietrich v the Queen 1992 the High Court accepted that there was a common law right to a fair trial, this shows...