Evaluation of Tourism Policy in India Pertaining to Kerala'

Essay by phil_77University, Master's November 2004

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This topic deals withe the organisations onvolved with tourism development and marketing to India in General and Kerala in specific and issues which the tourism industry faces in Kerala.

Tourism is a major phenomenon of the modern society with significant socio-economic consequences. According to the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC), "Tourism is the world's most rapidly growing industry and by the year 2005, the contribution of tourism to the world economy would be more than doubled from the base level of 1994". This report gives an insight into the Country India, the State Kerala and the tourism organisations involved in the development of tourism in India in general and to Kerala in particular. It also appraises the various issues Kerala faces in the field of tourism and gives suggestions.

Introduction to India

India Lies between latitudes 8 ° 4' and 37 ° 6 ' north and longitudes 68 ° 7 ' and 97° 25' east with a coast line of 7600 km .

It is one of the largest countries in Asia with a wide range of variation with respect to the culture, creed, religion, language and climate. India has two National languages (Central administrative). They are English (associate official) and Hindi (in the Devanagiri script). The Indian Constitution also officially recognizes 22 regional languages. The country is divided into twenty eight states and six centrally administered union territories. India's total earnings from the tourism sector in 1999 were $ 2.92 billion which accounts for a mere 0.64% of the global market. The total tourist arrivals at 2.49 million accounted for a mere 0.37% of the global tourist arrivals. The travel and tourism challenge is to enhance the contribution to employment for 5.6% at present to 8.2% worldwide.

Introduction to Kerala

Kerala is one of states at the...