Evolution of Man, From Homo Habilis to Homo Sapiens Sapiens

Essay by aspx127High School, 10th gradeB+, September 2006

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Evolution, as defined by Charles Darwin in his books, is the pathway of changes or developments of all organisms that exist on earth through the processes of natural selection or survival of fittest. This theory stated that since the resources on earth are limited, only the strongest and most adaptable individuals are able to survive. In the ever-changing environment, organisms developed different traits that are favorable for them to adapt to their environment. Those that unable to adapt would eventually die off. The characteristics that enable those individuals to survive will be passed on to their next generation. In the evolution of man, those characteristics that enable early hominid to develop into modern Homo Sapiens Sapiens were traits such as bipedalism, the ability to stand and walk in two legs, opposable thumbs, allowing them to grasp stuffs by hands, and larger brain size which makes them more intelligent and able to learn new materials.

In the evolution of man, from Homo-Habilis to modern day human beings, bipedalism was first found in Homo-Habilis, the forerunner of the Homo species. It allows organisms to stand and walk in two legs which allowed the forelimbs to be free for other usage. As a consequence, opposable thumbs were evolved. It allows the hominoid to pick up and hold materials easier and causing works to be done more efficient. Following by the straighten of back, perception was improved. Standing upright improves the ability to see distant dangers and resources.

Enlargement of the brain size also started from the Homo Habilis when they began to eat meats which contain proteins. The proteins caused the brain to develop. With a bigger brain, these hominoids became more intelligent. They learned to use stones, wood, and animal bones to create tools and weapons. Animal skins were used as...