Examine the effects on a student who has been repeated reinforced by the teachers for his/her proper behavior in class and good performance on assignments and tests.

Essay by sammiff1994University, Bachelor'sA-, April 2013

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Reinforcement is one of the components of behavioral theory. It is an observable and measurable behaviours but not mental in processes. All behaviors are learned through classical and operant conditioning. The student who has been repeated reinforced by the teachers for her proper behavior in class and good performance on assignments and tests shows the effect of reinforcement and the learning processes through classical and operant conditioning.

Classical conditioning can be analyzed into three steps; unconditioned stimulus (UCS) first automatically elicits unconditioned responses (UCR) . Then, a neutral stimulus (NS) is paired with unconditioned stimulus (UCS), which leads to the elicitation of the unconditioned response (UCR).Finally, after the conditioning ,(it can also refer to a session of training)procedure, the Neutral stimulus(NS) has become conditioned stimulus so as to elicit the conditioned response(CR).CR is the UCR but lower in magnitude. Operant conditioning is a bit different from classical as it will produce a new behavior while the classical conditioning cannot.

Operant conditioning proposed by Skinner suggested the idea that spontaneous behaviors are controlled by the environment's response to them. When the response is something pleasant or positive, will increase the like hood that the behavior will happen again. (Munsch,J, Levine,L.E, 2011)

There are four impacts after experiencing the first time of reinforcement through both classical and operant conditioning. They are the continuity and generalization in operant conditioning. In addition when reinforcement happen, classical condoning appear and also in the forms of generalization.

Firstly, explaining the impacts in the operant conditioning with some examples. When student have good participation in Chinese lesson(S1), then a student are praised by the teacher(R1), the existing of praise is represent the meaning of reward. As the student like to be praised for the teacher, therefore the student will continuous to behave well and have good participation...