Examine the principal institutions of the European Union outlining the functions that each partakes and analyse the community decision making process across the institutions

Essay by llollipoppiCollege, UndergraduateB, May 2007

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This essay will examine the principal institutions of the European Union outlining the functions that each partakes and it will also analyse the community decision making process across the institutionsThe European Union began to develop after the devastation of the 2nd World War. The aim was to rebuild Europe which was destroyed by war and to avoid new confrontations between nations that share similar histories and geography, while keeping their identity, language and culture. This vision of a new, united Europe started from resistance movements against dictatorships after the Second World War, despite this fact, it was also a vision shared by dictators such as Hitler and by Napoleon, who wanted to take over Europe and form a united Europe under their control.

The origins of the EU lie with Altiero Spinelli and Jean Monnet. Altiero Spinelli, an Italian federalist, had the idea that local, regional, national and European authorities should cooperate with each other.

During the creation of the European Union, important treaties were created and signed by the members which gradually unified them more and more. In that period, after the war, the Community was seen as a way of keeping peace by bringing together these nations to cooperate as equals. There were four main treaties that were important to the Union's success.

The Treaty of Paris established the European Coal and Steel Community (1951) and was seen as the first step to a united Europe. The Community goal was to create a common market in coal and steel between the six founder members (Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands).The Treaties of Rome and the European Atomic Energy Community treaty were both signed in Rome in 1957. The Rome treaties further established the European Economic Community and the EURATOM treaty was to develop the European Nuclear...