Exercise #1 A.         A speaker’s sex, approximate age, and which

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 12th grade February 2008

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Exercise #1 A. A speaker's sex, approximate age, and which part of the United States he or she is from, is revealed through his or her spoken English.

B. The difference between business letters, personal business letters, and personal letters is: Business letters are written from one business firm to another, a Personal Business letter is written from an individual to a business firm, and a Personal letter is exchanged between friends and relatives.

C. The four most common letter formats or styles are: 1.) Block- All lines begin at left margin.

2.) Modified Block with Blocked Paragraphs- All lines begin at the left margin except the date, complimentary close, and signature lines, which begins at center.

3.) Modified Block with Indented Paragraphs- This format is similar to the modified block with blocked paragraphs format, except that paragraphs are indented five spaces and the subject line-if used-is indented five spaces to match the paragraphs.

4.) Simplified Block- All lines begin at left margin. The salutation and complimentary close are omitted. The date is keyed in capital letters with no punctuation or in uppercase and lowercase letters. The subject line is keyed in capital letters or in uppercase letters with a double space before and after it. The signature line is keyed in capital letters or in uppercase and lowercase letters a quadruple space below the body.

D. The difference between an open and mixed punctuation is, that an open punctuation has no punctuations after the salutation and complimentary close, and a mixed punctuation has a colon after the salutation, and a comma after the complimentary close.

E. The appearance of your document or letter will influence the reaction of the receiver, such as making it attractive, using proper stationery, balancing and centering your letterhead, and making it neat and attractive.

Exercise #2 A. Your assistance has been extremely valuable.

• To express appreciation B. The deadline has been extended to May 3, • To supply information C. Please print or key your answers in.

• To provide directions D. Your promotion is well deserved indeed! • To convey congratulations E. May I leave 30 minutes early this afternoon? • To request permission Exercise #3 A. We cannot accept returned merchandise without having a sales slip.

B. Please be patient and wait you turn at the end of the line.

C. It'd be stupid for us to accept returned merchandise if you don't have a sales slip.

D. You may cash this receipt or, if you prefer, use it to purchase other merchandise.

E. Go to the department where you purchased the towels and get the manager's signature at once.

Exercise # 4 1. Receipt- Rule #1 The order of ie and ei.

2. Regretted- Rule #2 Doubling Final Consonants.

3. Attorneys- Rule #3 Changing Y to I.

4. Industries- Rule #3 Changing Y to I.

5. Incidentally- Rule #2 Doubling Final Consonants.

6. Careful- Rule #4 Keeping or Omitting Final E, when adding an ending.

7. Ninth- Rule #4 Keeping or Omitting Final E, when adding an ending.

8. Separate- Learn to spell the words in the master list.

9. Acknowledgement- Learn to spell the words in the master list.

10. Stationery- Become familiar with the sound alike words that confuse you.

Exercise # 5 A. adopt B. conscious C. morale D. effect E. whether F. all right G. proceed H. site I. too J. your Exercise # 6 Singular_____Singular Possesive_______Plural________Plural Possesive a. group group's groups groups' b. belief belief's beliefs beliefs' c. lady lady's ladies ladies' d. agency agency's agencies agencies' e. business business's businesses businesses' f. company company's companies companies' g. attorney attorney's attorneys attorneys' h. alumnus alumnus's alumni alumni's i. child child's children children's' j. actress actress's actresses actresses' Exercise # 7 A. Letterhead or Heading (and date) B. Inside address C. Salutation D. Body E. Complimentary Close F. Signature Line G. Signature Line H. Reference initials I. Enclosure notation J. Copy Notation