Explain using clear examples with clear reasoning what is meant by the term communication skills

Essay by dappapimp April 2007

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Explain using clear examples with clear reasoning what is meant by the term communication skillsDefinition of communicationIs a set of skills that enables a person to convey information so that it is received and understood. Communication skills refer to the collection of behaviours that serve to convey information to another, by using various communication skillsrrtcpbs.fmhi.usf.edu/rrtcpbsweb/glossary.htmCommunication skills are vital in the effective management of challenging behaviour, and also generally in all social care settings.

Communication is a two way process where feelings, thoughts, information and ideas, are not only sent but can be received as well.

http://www.gawwk.co.uk/websearch/search2.php?c=002 -2&qry=what%20is%20communicationFor example a autistic child who cant speak, in order for me to take him out doors I would first of all use verbal communication by saying “would you like to go out doors “ and if the child does not react to that I would use various hand movements, eye contact and body language to ask the child again, usually at this stage he would acknowledge my suggestion and react by nodding his head.

Every care worker and client is an individual, therefore each has there own individual style of communication and interpersonal skills. Each has to learn how to communicate effectively as one, so they can understand each other better. A care worker needs to work on their communication skills and also consider their strengths and weaknesses, if they desire to work more effectively in social care.