Explain why Aboriginal children of the stolen generations were removed from their parents.

Essay by ipodrixJunior High, 9th gradeA, May 2004

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Aboriginal children were removed from their parents primarily because of a government policy of assimilation. This policy was created because it was believed that it was in the best interest of everyone for Aboriginals to adopt white culture. This goal would be achieved by 'breeding-out' their race through removing fair-skinned Aboriginal children from their families and putting them into white institutions or families.

In the early 1930's it was soon obvious that the Aboriginal race was not dying out and that the number of mixed-blood Aborigines was increasing. So the State and Federal governments introduced a policy of assimilation in 1937 in an attempt to solve this problem. By removing fair skinned Aboriginal children from their communities and putting them into white society, it was hoped that in the next few decades the Aboriginal race would be bred-out by selective breeding.

The officials who carried out the removal of these 'half-castes' also firmly believed that they were doing the children a favour and helping them out.

Their causes for removing the children were because they were 'neglected' or 'uncontrollable', however most officials believed it was undesirable for these children to remain with their parents, both for the state, and for themselves as they thought white society was superior. Paul Hasluck, a Governor General at that time was convinced that if Aboriginal children remained in the bush, they would not have the same opportunities for education or have the full satisfaction of life.

Aboriginal children were removed from their families in an attempt to 'breed-out' their race as it was believed white culture was superior. Their removal was 'justified' because they thought Aboriginal children were mistreated in their communities and it would be a benefit to them. This shows how little Aboriginal culture was understood and respected, to the point that...