Expository essay on "The Technology of Simplycity" by Mark A. Burch

Essay by natedogg9A+, September 2006

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"The real poverty of our generation is that we don't know how to savour as well as we know how to consume." In this quote, Mark A. Burch, the author, learned to take pleasure in life while hunting with his father by becoming more observant of his surroundings. Throughout his experiences, Burch was becoming more perceptive, appreciating nature, and realizing our "consumptive" society.

First, Burch learns to be more perceptive of his surroundings. While sitting in the forest for hours on end, Marks senses become increasingly developed. With his new clairvoyance, he is able to look past the plain view of the woods and become "riveted on the changing patterns of light, color, form, and sound of the forest." His meditation allowed him to see many things others would not have been able to see. He learns a different way to see things: "[He] learns to hear things wake up.

[He] learns to see the forest playing." A new perspective gives Burch a deeper understanding of how we do not know how to savor small, seemingly unimportant things because we rush past them. The author learns many lessons while in the forest, one of which was the asset of perceptiveness in a simply beautiful world.

Burch also learns to be grateful for the beauty of nature. He now sees the natural marvel around him. Once invisible, wildlife all around became apparent to Burch as "birds called, chipmunks played in the leaves, squirrels gathered hazelnuts, and chickadees performed their bizarre acrobatic stunts while searching for insect larvae." In learning this, he also becomes aware of the distracting invasions by other people in the forest. He "[begins] to resent the occasional noisy intrusions of other hunters." When in the forest, he felt so happy that he was absorbed...