To what extent does Guy de Maupassant show sympathy for Madame Loisel in The short story ‘The Necklace’?

Essay by sc6406High School, 11th grade September 2014

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To what extent does Guy de Maupassant show sympathy for Madame Loisel in

The short story 'The Necklace'?

Guy de Maupassant was an 18th century French writer. In the poem "The Necklace" he has demonstrated several techniques to create an image for each character in the short story. He uses dramatic irony throughout the story to create and highlight flaws, not showing any sympathy for Madame Loisel. The author uses the life of Madame Loisel to demonstrate and show the techniques (dramatic irony) of the event that she has put herself in. As the poem progresses, he starts to show the hardships that she has experienced during the life of poverty was. The characterization of Madame Loisel as a tragic idol is presented by the language use of Maupassant. Therefore, the depiction of Madame Loisel is not something that Maupassant is trying to make readers to agree with; but instead, he attempts to show that the life she is in created by herself.

Maupassant describes Madame Loisel as "… One of those pretty, delightful girl who, apparently by some error of Fate get themselves born the daughters of very minor civil servants." In this quote it gives an impression that Madame Loisel is someone that should be sympathized. Maupassant mentions that she was born to live in poverty "by some error of fate", which means that she was not meant to be born poor and that she did not have a choice to choose. At this point, readers will show sympathy for Madame Loisel. Sympathy continues as the author describes her appearance ""She dressed simply, being unable to afford anything better…" The author says that she is dressed poorly, unable to purchase better clothing as her family could not afford it. The adjective "afford" is used...