Eye Safety

Essay by marymahrJunior High, 8th gradeA+, May 2004

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Eye Safety

Last summer I got a metal sliver in my eye while grinding a bolt in our machine shop. This stupid injury could have been avoided if I had only worn goggles.

So many eye injuries are preventable; however, many people just don't use common sense when it comes to protecting their eyes and their vision.

Most eye injuries occur outside the workplace because the government has set up safety regulations. Knowing this, people need to practice eye safety while using dangerous chemicals or tools at home. They also need to remember that there is also a danger to bystanders who are near the people using these items. Bystanders need to wear goggles too or stand a safe distance away from the hazard.

When adults handle hazardous cleaning products like oven and drain cleaners or ammonia and bleach, they need to wear goggles and gloves. Sometimes just the fumes can cause burning in the eyes.

It's also important to read the labels on the cleaning or chemical containers regarding their use, spills, and disposal of the empty containers.

To prevent eye injuries in children, we need to avoid toys with sharp points, rods and sharp edges. Toys should be age appropriate. Flying toys or projectile-firing toys are also dangerous. Bows and arrows, darts, and BB and pellet guns should not be given to children. Older kids should handle guns only after a hunter safety class.

We should also remember that kitchen utensils such as knives and forks can also be hazardous. No one should ever run with a sharp or pointed object because there's always a possibility you could fall.

Finally, everyone should be careful when handling fireworks. All fireworks can cause injuries, even sparklers and smoke bombs. It is best if fireworks displays are left to the professionals.