‘Face-to-face meetings are a waste of time in the age of video-conferencing’. Consider the merits of this assertion in the light of interpersonal communication theory.

Essay by tif55University, Bachelor's March 2014

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'Face-to-face meetings are a waste of time in the age of video-conferencing; Internet chat groups and global businesses'. Consider the merits of this assertion in the light of interpersonal communication theory. Illustrate your answers with examples wherever possible.

Communication is ever-evolving. Throughout history, men have been able to improve their communication capacities; from the primitive forms of verbal communication to the present interpersonal methods of technological advances such as e-mailing, video-conferencing, and skyping amongst others. The effectiveness of communication therefore depends on the form chosen by the sender. Communication can be defined as a process of transferring information from one entity to another. It is a tool with which one exercises influence on others, bringing out changes in their attitudes, and it often comes to establishing and maintaining a relationship with them. This essay will consider the factors which have contributed to the evolution of communication in the modern world.

It entails the benefits to businesses which these technological advances bring about and which have eventually led to the enhancement of the communication process within the business community. These benefits include, cost and time savings, the increased work flexibility in allowing employees to work from their home amongst others.

In order for organisations to function, there has to be effective communication amongst individuals and partners of the firm. Face-to-face meetings have been proven to be the most effective way in handling business negotiations prior to the introduction of the newer forms of communication such as video-conferencing and internet chat groups. The actual presence of the members following a usual meeting builds comfort as well as strengthens the bond between them; but on the other hand, in cases of important negotiations, it increases the tension amongst negotiators and hence decisions are made quicker. As compared to long distance contacts, communicating in...